about me
Puy Pinillos Blanco graduated in Fine Art at the Cuenca Faculty and worked as a
freelance photographer, exhibiting her work in group and solo exhibitions around Europe.
Moving to London, Puy pursued an interest in illustration. Studying at Central Saint Martin's, the Society
of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), and under the auspices of Claire Alexander, she
began her new career as an illustrator of children's books.
A few years working as an illustrator with a number of published books to her name, Puy moved and
took a job as a librarian at a school in Bristol. In charge of organising reading challenges and designing
creative book displays, she witnessed firsthand the impact of books on the imaginative world of
children. Returning to Spain, she was inspired to create designs fueled by her newfound insights.
Puy's work is bathed by the brilliant Mediterranean sun, its warmth and generosity of colour. Drawing
on her experiences growing up on a farm, and living and working in diverse places around the world, she
conjures wonderful characters from her rich imagination to play upon the page.
When not elbow deep fashioning her latest creations, or rescuing them from their inevitable
misadventures, she can be found tending to the plants and animals that make her garden home, and
listening to their many tales of triumph and woe. In the evening as the world retires, she listens to
stories on the airwaves of intrepid explorers, and dreams of her own next adventure. Her latest calling
has been from the far islands of the Samurai and Geisha. She does't know how long she will resist...